Minutes 4th November 2020

Minutes of the 

Irnham Parish Council Meeting

Held as a Zoom Meeting on Wednesday 4 November 2020 at 7pm

Present: Cllrs Amanda Ayre, Jenny Crow, Lynda Hall, Trevor Vanson.

Parish Council Clerk: Jenny Crow


1. Apologies for absence

a. Cllr Jon Crook, Cllr Nick Robins, PCSO Stuart Bowden.


2. Members declaration of interest or request for dispensation

a. None


3. Minutes of meeting 05/08/20

a. Read and accepted as correct record.


4. Matters arising 

a. Cllrs Vanson and  Crow have made contact with Ropsley PC for advice regarding moving the defibrillator in Bulby to the telephone kiosk.  Cllr Crow has contacted the electrician who worked with Ropsley PC and he is willing to undertake the work.


5. Accounts

a. Income into the accounts has been the interest on the Defibrillator Account of £0.27 and the Community Cleaner payment of £226.72.  Councillors approved two payments: £130.20 for Daffodil Bulbs and £4.50 for the LALC magazine hard copies. The balance of the Current Account is £2543.34, Defibrillator Account £5142.59.

b. Cllrs agreed the Bank Reconciliation for 30/09/20.

c. Clerk confirmed that online banking had now been set up.

d. Clerk requested permission to purchase ink cartridges for PC printer.  This was agreed  as and when necessary.

e. VAT claim is currently £145.30.


6. County council /district council matters

a. None raised. 


7. Planning applications

a. Planning Application S20/0181 for new dwelling at Southwood Farm, Irnham (variation to S18/0069) still awaiting decision by SKDC.  Cllr Robins is still following this up.  Cllrs still support the renovation work to prevent the property becoming even more derelict and a blot on the landscape.

b. Planning Application S20/1236 for tree work at Watergate House, Irnham allowed by SKDC.

c. Planning Applications S20/1431, 1490, 1491, 1492 for tree work around Irnham Estate supported by Irnham PC and allowed by SKDC.

d. Planning Application S20/1393 for tree work at Hengrave House, Irnham supported by Irnham PC and allowed by SKDC.

e. Planning Application S20/1535 for tree work at St Andrew’s Church, Irnham supported by Irnham PC and allowed by SKDC.



8. Update on highways issues within the parish

a. Cllr Ayre reported that the large pothole on Swinstead Road had now been filled.  Patching on Osgodby Road, out of Irnham, is poor.

b. Cllr Ayre has requested Highways to look at the road leading down to the ford, from the Nursery, in Bulby with a view to removing debris and gain back the full width of the road.

c. Issues relating to vehicles becoming stuck in the ford at Bulby have been reported to LCC.  The last incident resulted in the fire brigade being called out.

d. Cllrs are grateful for all the work that has been done to trim the hedges in the Parish.  Leaves and small branches, particularly thorny ones, now need clearing.  If anyone is able to help with this it would be much appreciated. 

e. The Speed Indicator Device has been moved back to Corby Road.  


9. Update on parish council plans for 2020/21

a. Clerk has received approval from Highways to erect six gates, two at each of the entrances to Bulby.  David Hall has costed the 5 additional Gateways at £358 Ex Vat.  Custom made signs are £285 but other options to be considered.  Cllrs agreed the project should now go ahead.

b. Best Kept Village Competition:

Irnham Parish Councillors were delighted to report that Irnham was placed first in the  secret shopper style District Best Kept Village Competition.  (Smaller villages/hamlets category.)  Cllr Crow attended the Presentation outside the SKDC Civic Suite and accepted a certificate, gold litter bin and cheque for £400 on behalf of the Parish. Cllrs agreed the certificate will be placed in the Griffin Inn and the litter bin will be installed near the existing bin.  The current bin will be removed and placed in Bulby.  Cllrs will consider projects to benefit from the prize money at their next meeting.

Cllrs thanked everyone for their contribution to keeping the Parish environment well cared for.  Irnham Parish Council also thanked SKDC and the Big Clean for their support.  

A message of congratulations was also received from Gareth Davies MP.

c. Cllrs agreed that, unfortunately, there will be no Parish Christmas Event this year due to Covid-19.


10. Support during coronavirus pandemic

a. Notices received from LCC have been displayed encouraging residents to follow the guidance. 

b. Cllrs noted, with thanks, all the support given to residents on an individual basis.  The WhatsApp group continues.


11. Correspondence

a. Temple Wood Footpath:  The Clerk responded to a request for information regarding previous use of a path from Callan’s Lane Wood to Temple Wood.  In response useful contacts have been made with the Countryside Department at LCC.

b. Guard Dog Incident in Irnham reported to the PC.  Our PCSO is also aware of this.


12.   Irnham parochial church council matters for the parish

a. Cllr Ayre reported that, due to costs, the current plans for a toilet block at the Church have been scrapped.  Cllrs expressed support for alternative, cheaper options to be considered.


13.   Any other business

a. Cllrs discussed the requirement for an accessibility statement for the website.  Cllr Crow will follow this up.

b. A request for a salt spreader in Irnham was discussed.  Cllrs felt suitable spreaders would be too expensive as both Bulby and Hawthorpe also have areas which need salting by residents.  Cllrs agreed it would be useful to place shovels in the bins. 

c. Thanks expressed to all those involved with the daffodil planting.  Something to look forward to in the Spring. 


14.  Date of next meeting

a. Next Parish Council Meeting, Wednesday 3 February 2021, 7pm.  Venue/virtual meeting to be agreed nearer the time.

Meeting ended at 8.10pm.