Irnham Parish Bell Ringing
Here at St Andrew’s Irnham we have a ring of six bells of varying dates going back to 1620. Perhaps our most important bell being the Peace Bell installed in 1919 as part of Irnham’s WW1 War memorial. In 2004 we had a new bell cast to mark the end of a much needed restoration of the church.
At present we ring for church services and when they arise, national events. We also hold regular practice meetings.
As part of the Corby Glen Group of Parishes we ring here at Irnham on the 2nd Sunday of the month with the ringing beginning at 10.30am. Please note this is the ringing time not service start time. All ringers are welcome to join us.
We hold practice sessions here on Tuesday afternoons between 2.30 and 4.00pm. All ringers are welcome. We are always looking for new ringers and if you would like to learn to ring then please come along and join us. Or if you are just curious as to how ringing works give us a visit we will be pleased to see you.
On the 21st of December 2024 the Irnham Bellringers rang a quarter peal dedicated to the Children's Society. A quarter peal is 45 minutes of non stop ringing. During this time some of the other ringers collected door to door in the village for the Children's Society. A total of £436.17 was raised thanks to the generosity of the people of the village. Thank you so much for all your support.
From the Irnham Bellringers