Minutes 21st April 2021

Minutes of the 

Irnham Parish Council Meeting

Held as a Zoom Meeting on Wednesday 21 April 2021 at 7pm

Present: Cllrs Amanda Ayre, Jon Crook, Jenny Crow, Lynda Hall, Trevor Vanson.

Also in attendance: Cllr Martin Hill, Cllr Nick Robins.

Parish Council Clerk: Jenny Crow


The Chairman welcomed 1 member of the public and offered them the opportunity to raise any issues before the meeting.


Issues raised:

a. A resident raised concerns about flooding issues in the vicinity of Watergate House.  In heavy rain the culvert is unable to cope.  The resident has reported the issue on FixMyStreet but LCC have denied responsibility for the culvert.  The Environment Agency have also denied responsibility for the culvert.  The resident also understands that the culvert may need to be replaced to enable road resurfacing, planned for January 2022, to take place.  If this is necessary, the concern is that if it is replaced with a smaller culvert this would add to the flooding risk.  There is also concern that if the camber of the road is altered this could also add to the flooding risk.  Councillors explored further the details of recent flooding and concluded that referring the matter to LCC was the correct action.


The Chairman offered Cllr Hill the opportunity to comment which was accepted.

a. Cllr Hill agreed that LCC need to investigate the flooding, as the Lead Local Flood Authority, but that does not always imply the problem is caused by something in their ownership.  If the flooding is not the responsibility of LCC they will try to track down the owner.  Cllr Hill did confirm that LCC would take responsibility for culverts running under the road.  Cllr Hill will follow this matter up and report back via the Clerk. (Clerk’s note: Cllr Hill emailed the Clerk the following day to confirm LCC will be replacing the culvert on the roadside as part of the resurfacing work through Irnham.)


1. Apologies for absence

a. None


2. Members declaration of interest or request for dispensation

a. None


3. Minutes of meeting 03/02/21

a. Read and accepted as correct record.


4. Matters arising 

a. Parish Council April Update delivered to all residents.


5. Accounts

a. Income into the accounts for 20/21, since the previous meeting, has been notification of interest on the Defibrillator Account amounting to £0.08, the VAT refund of £271.56, and the District Councillor Grant of £250.

b. Councillors agreed a payment from 20/21 to St Andrew’s Church of £300 towards tree felling work.  Councillors also agreed to the transfer of VAT reclaimed on defibrillator pads of £107.40 to the defibrillator account.

c. The accounts for 2020/21 have been closed and are being checked by the internal auditor.  Papers had been circulated to Councillors prior to the meeting.

d. Councillors approved the Certificate of Exemption, proposed by Cllr Ayre, seconded by Cllr Hall and carried unanimously.

e. Councillors approved the Annual Governance Statement 2020/21.  Proposed by Cllr Crook, seconded by Cllr Hall and carried unanimously.

f. Councillors approved the Annual Accounting Statement 2020/21.  Proposed by Cllr Ayre, seconded by Cllr Hall and carried unanimously.

g. Councillors agreed the period for the exercise of Public Rights to view the accounts should be during the period Monday 14th June to Friday 23rd July.

h. Income into the 2021/22 accounts has been the precept of £1600 and interest on the Defibrillator Account of £0.04.  Councillors approved the LALC Subscription payment of £72.50. The balance of the Current Account is £3807.68, Defibrillator Account £5250.24.


6. County council/district council matters

a. Cllr Hill had no other matters to raise.

b. Cllr Robins confirmed the District are concentrating on the elections.  Front line services are running to plan and the housing team is now better equipped to deal with repairs.


7. Planning applications

a. Planning Application S21/0262 for extension to a workshop at Cornbecks Farm received and subsequently withdrawn as planning permission not required.

b. Cllr Robins was asked to clarify planning regulations regarding removable items.  Cllr Robins explained this would probably be covered under permitted development.  More permanent structures would need to be looked at to see if planning permission is needed. Cllr Robins will seek further advice and advise the Clerk.


8. Update on highways issues within the parish

a. In response to the request from the Parish Council to LCC Highways to consider signage at the ford in Bulby to warn motorists of deep water, LCC Highways have put in new signage on most approach roads.  Unfortunately the signage at the actual ford has not been improved.  The new signage also resulted in the signpost at the pumping station being removed without any consultation with the Parish Council or Cllr Hill.  LCC Highways have now agreed to reinstate this.  Cllr Hill will investigate why the new sign for Bulby was thrown away by Highways without any consultation.  Cllr Hill will also request removal of signs on the Hawthorpe Road indicating there is a ford in Bulby to try to deter motorists from making unnecessary trips through it.

b. Cllr Ayre again expressed her frustration about the lack of communication between Highways and the Parish Council.  Cllr Crow has written to the Local Highways Manager to ask if any briefings are issued to Parish Councils as these have not been received for some long time.  Cllr Hill will also look into this for us.  Information is available on the LCC website but Clerks need directing to the information at the appropriate time.


9. Update on parish council plans for 2021/22

a. Bulby Gateways: Four of these have now been installed, the final two to be installed shortly.  Residents are pleased with the appearance.

b. Cllrs agreed to plan for the installation of  Village Gateways in Hawthorpe.

c. Best Kept Village Competition: ideas for further improvements are welcome.  Cllr Vanson was thanked for the mowing of the verges in Hawthorpe.

d. Cllrs will look into providing some Remembrance Soldier Silhouettes to be placed around the Parish in November each year. Thanks were given to Cllr Nick Robins for support and grant of £250.

e. Parish Events: On hold until current pandemic restrictions are fully lifted.


10. Correspondence

a. None not already discussed.


11.   Irnham parochial church council matters for the parish

a. Cllr Ayre had nothing to report.

b. Cllr Crook reported the tree felling work has been delayed.


12.   Any other business

a. None raised.


13.  Date of next meeting

                 a.  Annual Meetings, Wednesday 5th May 2021, 7pm via Zoom.

Meeting ended at 7.58pm