Minutes 3rd February 2021

Minutes of the 

Irnham Parish Council Meeting


Held as a Zoom Meeting on Wednesday 3 February 2021 at 7pm

Present: Cllrs Amanda Ayre, Jon Crook, Jenny Crow, Lynda Hall, Trevor Vanson.

Also in attendance: Cllr Martin Hill, Cllr Nick Robins.

Parish Council Clerk: Jenny Crow


The Chairman welcomed two members of the public and offered them the opportunity to raise any issues before the meeting.


Issues raised:

a. Thanks were given for the Daffodil bulb planting and the Gateways (ready to install) in Bulby.

b. Concern raised about the flooding issues in Bulby, particularly:

i. Water pouring off the land and down the roads from the north and south towards the pumping station and then forming a ‘river’ running down the main street of the village.  This is causing the side of the roads to be eroded, in cold weather sheet ice to form at the junction and silt to build up on the roads. 

ii. From the north, near Hall Farm, a small pipe is constantly getting blocked, not able to take the water flowing into it.  A grid, further down the road, is now so far back into the bank that water runs past.

iii. From the south water pours directly off the land.

iv. Going west, along the main street, a large amount of standing water is now almost a permanent feature.

     The Chairman accepted Cllr Hill’s offer to respond:

a. Cllr Hill agreed that although we are currently experiencing a very wet period there are issues in Bulby of which he is well aware.  Drainage from the north was improved several years ago and he will check that the dyke is still cleaned out.

b. Highways are aware of the problem of water from the south coming straight off the field near the track adjacent to Lark Rise.  

c. The standing water on Main Street needs resolving.  Highways could not find the sump when they jetted the drains recently.  Cllr Hill confirmed Highways will try to find a solution.

d. Cllr Hill was also made aware that during recent flooding the depth indicator in Bulby was under water.  Cllr Ayre has contacted  numerous agencies to  try to improve the signage but no one will undertake this.  Cllr Hill agreed to follow this up.


1. Apologies for absence

a. None


2. Members declaration of interest or request for dispensation

a. None


3. Minutes of meeting 04/11/20

a. Read and accepted as correct record.


4. Matters arising 

a. Defibrillator in Bulby has now been moved to the outside of the former telephone kiosk.


5. Accounts

a. Income into the accounts has been the interest on the Defibrillator Account of £0.13 and the Best Kept Village Competition prize money of £400.  Councillors approved four payments: £474 for gateway fencing materials, £16.60 for additional gateway materials, £188.57 for gateway signs and a new sign for Bulby and £98.15 for materials to refurbish the Irnham Notice Board.  The balance of the Current Account is £2166.02, Defibrillator Account £5142.72.

b. Cllrs agreed the Bank Reconciliation for 31/12/20.

c. Clerk confirmed that Councillors had agreed not to ask for an increase in the Precept this year due to the pandemic.  A request for £1600 has been submitted to SKDC.

d. A VAT claim for £271.56 to be submitted.


6. County council /district council matters

a. Cllr Hill reported that the Corona Virus vaccination programme is going really well in the county and that infection rates have come down slightly, are under the national rate and remain fairly steady.

b. Cllr Hill explained the budget meeting is in a fortnight but that the proposal is to increase the Council Tax by 2% rather than the permitted 5%.  Recommendations of £10 million for rural roads, £200,000 for flood incidents and £12 million, with grants of up to £10,000 available, to help small businesses will also be made. 

c. Cllr Hill confirmed work will be done, later this month, on the road between Irnham and Ingoldsby. 

d. Cllr Vanson also asked if our request to have 4 grit bins, 1 in Hawthorpe and 3 in Bulby refilled quickly could be followed up. Cllr Hill agreed to do this.  Bins in Irnham still had sufficient supplies at this time.

e. Cllr Robins confirmed £34 million has been paid out to local businesses to help them through the crisis.

f. SKDC had an unannounced health & safety audit which went well and confirmed Covid guidance is being followed

g. SKDC have appointed a Housing Services co-ordinator.


7. Planning applications

a. Planning Application S20/0181 for new dwelling at Southwood Farm, Irnham (variation to S18/0069) has finally been approved by SKDC.

b. Planning Application S20/2001 for work at Arbury House, Irnham supported in principle by Irnham PC with representations sent to SKDC including a request to consider the size and appearance of the flue.  Permission granted by SKDC.  The PC noted the Officer’s comments in relation to the flue which recognises it is substantial in size but in their opinion will largely be screened from view.

c. Planning Applications S20/2009/2010 for work at Old Rookery Farmhouse, Hawthorpe supported by Irnham PC subject to meeting listed building regulations.  Permission granted by SKDC.


8. Update on highways issues within the parish

a. Cllr Ayre confirmed that issues relating to flooding in Bulby have been reported to Highways on numerous occasions and she is very frustrated that no one from Highways will come out to look at the problems with her. Cllr Ayre is grateful for the support of Cllr Hill.

b. Cllrs are pleased some pot holes have been fixed but more work is still needed.  It was also noted that some pot holes are opening up again

c. Cllrs agreed there is still work needed in Bulby to clear up from hedge cutting towards the ford.  

d. Notification of resurfacing work through Irnham in the financial year 21/22 received.  Work from the A151 along Swinstead Road towards Irnham planned for 22/23 as is work for the junction of Hawthorpe Road and Osgodby Road.

e. Notification of Temporary Road Closure, Irnham received and displayed on notice boards.  Ingoldsby to Irnham via Osgodby road will be closed for 5 days between 22/2/21 and 5/3/21 for patching work.  Diversions will be signed.

f. Highways were contacted recently when Bulby bridge became impassable and Flood/Road Closed signs were delivered.

g. Cllr Ayre reminded people to use FixMyStreet to report issues on the Highways.  Cllr Vanson reported some fly tipping recently and this was removed promptly.


9. Update on parish council plans for 2020/21 and 2021/22

a. Bulby Gateways: David Hall has completed the construction of the gates. Cllrs are waiting for better weather to erect them.  Cllrs expressed their thanks to David for his help with the project.  Cllrs also wished to thank David for renovating the Irnham Notice Board.

b. Best Kept Village Competition:

The new litter bin has been installed in Irnham and the old bin removed to Bulby.

Cllrs hope better weather will soon encourage residents to get out in their gardens and surroundings to prepare for this year’s competition. 

c. The Daffodil Bulbs are starting to come through and funds will be reserved for more bulbs next year.

d. Cllrs will look into providing some Remembrance Soldier Silhouettes to be placed around the Parish in November each year.

e. Cllrs agreed to plan for the installation of  Village Gateways in Hawthorpe.

f. A Parish Update will be prepared and delivered to all homes in the Parish.


10. Support during coronavirus pandemic

a. Cllrs continue to thank all who support local residents on an individual basis.  This is much appreciated.  The WhatsApp group continues to work well.


11. Correspondence

a. Cllrs are encouraged to take part in the LALC survey.

b. A request to register our Defibrillators on the national database, The Circuit, has been received.  Cllrs agreed to do this.

c. The Chairman is awaiting further information about the possibility of Irnham residents being included in the Corby Glen FTTP project.  Cllrs are very grateful to Corby Glen PC for their support.

d. Information received regarding the closure of LincsAlert emails.  Clerk to contact PCSO Stuart Bowden regarding this.


12.   Irnham parochial church council matters for the parish

a. Cllr Ayre reported that the Bishop of Lincoln has been reinstated.   

b. Clerk has received an email from Tom Bagge, Churchwarden, informing the PC that the cost of felling the dangerous Horse Chestnut tree is £1800.  Any contribution would obviously be welcome.  Cllrs will examine the budget and hope to be able to make a contribution.


13.   Any other business

a. Further to the discussion about flooding, Cllr Robins reminded people to call the Fire Service if flooding of properties is likely.

b. A brief discussion about satellite internet access.  Cllr Vanson hopes this may be a solution for Hawthorpe as they still only have a download speed of 2Mbs.


14.  Date of next meeting

a. Next Parish Council Meeting, Wednesday 21 April 2021, 7pm.  Venue/virtual meeting to be agreed nearer the time.

b. Cllr Nick Robins agreed to look into the legal situation regarding Annual Meetings if Covid restrictions still apply in May.


Meeting ended at 8.16pm