Minutes 2nd November 2022
Minutes of the Irnham Parish Council Meeting
Held in St Andrew’s Church, Irnham on Wednesday 02 November 2022 at 7pm.
Present: Cllrs Amanda Ayre, Jon Crook, Jenny Crow, Lynda Hall, Trevor Vanson.
Parish Council Clerk: Jenny Crow
1) Apologies for absence
1/1 None
2) Members declaration of interest or request for dispensation
2/1 None
3) Minutes of meetings
3/1Minutes of PC meeting 03/08/22 read and accepted as correct record.
4) Matters arising
4/1The bridleway near Marwood Farm has been rolled and is now a better surface.
5) County Council/District Council matters
5/1 SKDC had circulated information about the warm space initiative. Cllrs agreed there is no suitable venue for a new initiative in Irnham but are pleased to note the Griffin is open every day.
6) Accounts
6/1 No further payments made to date from the Jubilee account which has a balance of £243.12. This amount will now be donated to the air ambulance.
6/2 Income into the 2022/23 accounts since the last meeting has been interest on the Defibrillator Account of £0.58. Councillors approved the following payment: £521.80 for the repainting of the old telephone boxes. The balance in the current account as at 02/11/22 is £2862.38, the balance in the Defibrillator account is £5016.55.
6/3 Cllrs agreed the bank reconciliation for 30/09/22.
6/4 A review of the budget for 2022/23 confirmed £1000 allocated to new Irnham sign and £750 contingency for elections leaves a balance of approximately £1000.
6/5 Cllrs agreed that the post of Parish Clerk will need to be advertised formally. Cllrs are looking for someone with experience of Parish Clerk work and able to update the new parish website. It was agreed we will be looking for a minimum of 50 hours per year and need to take into account expenses as well as salary and training costs. Cllrs will discuss with Cllr Robins the possibility of any grants to fund this work.
6/6 Cost of website support via LALC discussed. Cllrs agreed to start with the £50 annual contract for telephone support.
6/7 Cllrs discussed the precept for 2023/24 and agreed this will need to increase but will wait until information has been received from SKDC to help with the decision making.
6/8 Cllrs agreed to make a contribution of £250 to the cost of erecting the flag pole and beacon.
7) Planning applications
7/1 Planning application S22/0415 for conversion and change of use of listed barns to a single residential dwelling in Bulby still awaiting decision.
7/2 Planning application S22/0230 for a proposed water Pipeline Scheme which passes through the Parish still awaiting decision.
7/3 Planning application S22/1847 for a proposed water Pipeline Scheme which passes through the Parish received 25th October. Cllrs have no comment to make.
7/4 Planning application S22/1322 for work at Blacksmiths Cottage approved by SKDC.
7/5 Planning application S22/1390 for change of use of garage to annexe at Linden House, Bulby withdrawn by applicant.
7/6 Planning application S22/1945 for variation to plans at Southwood Farm discussed by councillors and fully supported.
7/7 SKDC have now placed temporary TPOs on trees in Bulby and this will be followed up.
7/8 Cllr Robins will be asked to clarify the definition of ‘work commencing within 3 years of planning permission being obtained.’ Cllrs are interested to know whether demolition of existing buildings, without any further work, counts as work having been commenced.
8) Update on highways issues within the parish
8/1 Cllrs discussed the ongoing signage issues in relation to Bulby ford. Cllr Ayre will follow this up again with Lincolnshire Highways. Cllrs will request road narrows signs are reinstated as well as the directional sign which stood near the pumping station.
8/2 Cllr Crow has reported the damaged head wall on Swinstead Road, Irnham through fix my street and updates are being received. All residents are reminded that if they spot a problem on the highway they can report it through the new parish website. https://irnham.parish.lincolnshire.gov.uk/
9) Update on parish projects 2022/23
9/1 Irnham village sign – Cllrs discussed two possible designs which will be costed and opinions of residents will then be sought. Cllrs are very appreciative of the offers of financial donations from residents towards this project.
9/2 New parish website is being populated and the PCC, ICE, The Griffin/Irnham Events and the Bell Ringers have been invited to add information. Thanks were given to LCC for their support.
10) Update on parish events
10/1 An Update has been circulated to all households in the Parish detailing a bonfire night at 6pm on Saturday 5th November. The PC will provide soup and hot dogs.
10/2 Christmas Event – The idea of a sing-along near the Jubilee beacon is being finalised. A fish and chip supper will be available in the Griffin if pre booked at a cost of £8.90 per person.
10/3 Coronation Lunch – Plans are developing for a Coronation Lunch on Sunday 7th May 2023. The Stamford Stompers have been booked again from 12 noon till 3pm. Cllr Vanson to firm up plans with Jamie.
11) Correspondence
11/1 None not already mentioned.
12) Irnham parochial church council matters for the parish
12/1 Cllr Ayre raised the offer of help with cleaning/maintenance which was gratefully accepted. Any offers should be made to the churchwardens.
13) Any other business
13/1 Results of Best Kept Village Competition had been circulated to Cllrs. Irnham Parish scored
64/100. The main issues raised were to do with weed growth in front of properties. Any help to keep pavements etc free from weeds will be much appreciated. Any suggestions as to how we can tackle this issue as a community will be welcome. Cllrs will consider arranging a working party next spring.
13/2 Cllrs will check on any planned work by SKDC Big Clean team.
13/3 Cllrs have been asked to clarify the law in relation to domestic bonfires.
13/4 Cllrs raised concerns that some of the rules imposed by SKDC at the recycling centres are not helpful and may result in unwanted fly tipping eg limits of 5 litres on household and garden chemicals per visit.
14) Date of next meeting
14/1 Wednesday 1st February 2023, 7pm. Venue to be confirmed.
Meeting ended at 8.45pm.