Minutes - 2nd February 2022
Minutes of the
Irnham Parish Council Meeting
Held in St Andrew’s Church, Irnham on Wednesday 02 February 2022 at 7pm.
Present: Cllrs Amanda Ayre, Jon Crook, Jenny Crow, Lynda Hall, Trevor Vanson.
Also in attendance: Cllr Martin Hill and 8 members of the public.
Parish Council Clerk: Jenny Crow
The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting and explained parishioners could raise any issues prior to the formal business of the meeting. It was agreed that the meeting would be suspended for Item 6 to allow parishioners to discuss the item with Councillors at that point.
1) Apologies for absence
1/1 Cllr Nick Robins
2) Members declaration of interest or request for dispensation
2/1 None
3) Minutes of meeting 03/11/21
3/1 Read and accepted as correct record.
4) Matters arising
4/1 Cllr Crook has compiled a database of parishioners who wish to receive communication from the Parish Council via email.
5)County council/district council matters
5/1 Cllr Hill explained that local people are being consulted on a proposed increase in the Council Tax of 3% to meet Adult Social Care and Children’s Needs. Issues regarding future funding for Adult Care may mean care home fees charged by the council will need to increase. Cllr Hill also said that 70% of issues raised with the Council during the elections last year were relating to Highways maintenance. The £12 million reduction in the Highways Grant from central government last year looks set to continue this year and a campaign to have this money reinstated is underway.
5/2 Big Clean visited as scheduled in December but it was felt the results with the machine were not as good as the previous manual cleaning carried out.
5/3 Issues regarding the revised Green Bin collection schedule, particularly in relation to Bulby, have been raised with SKDC.
5/4 SKDC are continuing to monitor noise issues in Bulby.
The meeting was suspended for the next item and parishioners invited to join the discussion.
6) Her Majesty The Queen’s Platinum Jubilee Celebration 2nd June – 5th June 2022.
6/1The Chairman outlined proposals for a Parish Celebration on Sunday 5th June as follows:
- Venue – Wedding Venue Irnham Hall
- Event – Meal and Live Band (Stamford Stompers)
- Times – 6pm – 10pm
- Cost - Adults £15
Other points raised:
- Parents to be consulted on possible activity for children
- Commemorative mugs to be purchased for the children of the Parish
- Residents to be encouraged to help decorate the Parish
- Photo competition
- Photographs at the event
- Working party after Easter to tidy the Parish
6/2 Beacons are being lit at 9.15pm on Thursday 2nd June. It is hoped to have a suitable brazier at the top of the hill behind the Griffin.
6/3 The Parish Council are investigating more permanent structures in the form of a flag pole and village sign to mark the Platinum Jubilee.
Parishioners were thanked for attending and invited to stay for the remaining business or leave the meeting if they wished.
7/1 Income into the 2021/22 accounts since the last meeting has been interest on the Defibrillator Account of £0.13, the Community Cleaner Grant of £231.66 and a donation of £10 for daffodil bulbs. Councillors approved the following payment: £51.58 to Printerbase Ltd for ink cartridges for the Parish Council printer. The balance in the current account is £2854.18, the balance in the Defibrillator account is £5250.62.
7/2 VAT claim currently £110.91 to be claimed for period ending 31/01/22.
7/3 Cllrs agreed the bank reconciliation for 31/12/21.
7/4 Clerk confirmed the request to SKDC for the Precept for 2022/23 had been submitted. The amount remained the same, as last year, at £1600.
7/5 Cllrs reviewed the draft budget against the actual budget to date and agreed the unallocated funds as approximately £2000.
7/6 Clerk requested permission to purchase some more litter picking equipment. Cllrs agreed to 5 sets of equipment.
7/7 Clerk requested permission to purchase the replacement child pads for the defibrillators. Cllrs agreed the purchase from the defibrillator budget.
7/8 Cllrs agreed to fund the repainting of the old telephone boxes. Costs to be obtained.
8/1 Planning Application S21/2061 for renewal of the culvert near Watergate House has received approval from SKDC.
9) Update on highways issues within the parish
9/1 Clerk has received notification that the planned resurfacing work and culvert work has been delayed from 04/01/22 to a start date of 28/02/22. Road closures through Irnham are likely during the period of 28/02/22 – 01/04/22.
9/2 Cllr Hill has been informed that the Clerk has still not received any update on reinstatement of the Bulby sign post near the pumping station.
9/3 The Clerk has also asked Cllr Hill to request Highways consider digging/cleaning out under the footbridge near the ford in Bulby.
9/4 Cllr Ayre has reported a large number of potholes and areas where the side of the road is dangerous to LCC Highways. It is disappointing to receive several notifications that no further action will be taken. This was raised with Cllr Hill. The issue of sporadic filling of potholes was also raised and Cllr Hill is trying to rectify this.
9/5 The issue of dead animals on the roadside was raised. This should be reported to SKDC via their website.
10/1 Cllrs discussed feedback on the Best Kept Village Competition and agreed to encourage some working groups after Easter to tidy the Parish.
10/2 Cllrs agreed to encourage a red, white and blue theme for planting in the Parish this summer. The purchase of suitable plants will be investigated.
10/3 Cllr Crook agreed to do some weed killing in Irnham.
11/1 None not already circulated.
12) Irnham parochial church council matters for the parish
12/1 Cllr Ayre reported that the new service pattern, following the ending of the majority of Covid restrictions, is popular.
12/2 Cllr Ayre confirmed the toilet block project has been abandoned due to costs. Cllrs were disappointed to hear this and asked if a composting toilet could be considered.
13) Any other business
13/1 Cllrs were reminded that the next Live & Local event organised by Irnham Community Entertainments is Mumbo-Jumbo No Hit Wonders on Sunday 24 April at 7.30pm. The Churchfitters in Concert on Sunday 16th January 2022 were much enjoyed by an enthusiastic crowd. Thanks were given to all involved in organising these events.
14) Dates of next meetings
14/1 Parish Council meeting, Wednesday 13th April 2022, 7pm, venue to be confirmed.
14/2 Annual Parish Council meeting and Annual Parish meeting, Wednesday 11th May 2022.
Meeting ended at 8.45pm.