Minutes 3rd August 2022

Minutes of the Irnham Parish Council Meeting

Held in St Andrew’s Church, Irnham on Wednesday 03 August 2022 at 7pm.

Present: Cllrs Amanda Ayre, Jon Crook, Jenny Crow, Lynda Hall, Trevor Vanson.

Also in attendance: Cllr Martin Hill

Parish Council Clerk: Jenny Crow

1. Apologies for absence

a. Cllr Nick Robins


2. Members declaration of interest or request for dispensation

a. None


3. Minutes of meetings 

a. Minutes of PC meeting 20/04/22 read and accepted as correct record.

b. Minutes of Annual PC meeting 11/05/22 read and accepted as correct record.

c. Minutes of Annual Parish meeting 11/05/22 read and accepted as correct record.


4. Matters arising 

a. Thanks given to Cllr Robins for the detailed responses to queries raised at the April meeting.  They will be raised under the appropriate items.


5. County council/district council matters

a. Cllr Hill was thanked for the road resurfacing through Irnham.  The Swinstead Road at long last has a good surface.  The culvert work took a long time but communication between the Council, the householder and the PC meant the work achieved the required outcome as far as can be determined in the present drought conditions.

b. Cllr Hill was also in receipt of a letter from Cllr Vanson which raised issue relating to the Bulby Ford signs.  The new signs comply with information received from the Secretary of State but a new gauge and/or an indication of deep water could be installed.  Cllr Hill will chase up again the reinstatement of the Bulby direction sign and nameplate.

c. Cllr Hill also outlined wider county issues: the Council, along with businesses generally, is finding it difficult to recruit and retain staff.  The financial settlement was 2% for 3 years while inflation is approaching 10%. Pothole work is more up to date now. Grantham Hospital now has a new Urgent Care Centre which is open 24/7.  The Grantham bypass has been delayed by possibly 18 months due to bridge construction issues.


6. Accounts

a. Detailed accounts for the Platinum Events had been circulated to Cllrs.  The total payments into the bank account amounted to £1927.71.  Cllrs approved the following further payments: £500 for the band, £294.39 for meats, £274.64 other food and drink, £57.98 for bunting. After transferring £142.50 which was owed to the PC for mugs purchased in March the balance in the Jubilee account was £243.12.  It was agreed that this balance should be donated to the air ambulance.

b. Income into the 2022/23 accounts since the last meeting has been interest on the Defibrillator Account of £0.12, the Community Cleaner Payment of £231.66 and the VAT refund of £377.98.  Councillors approved the following payments: £84.46 for the planter near the flag pole, £17.25 for paint for the water pump. Cllrs approved the transfer of the VAT refund of £46.98 to the Defib fund.  The balance in the current account as at 03/08/22 is £3684.18,  the balance in the Defibrillator account is £5015.97.                  

c. Cllrs agreed the bank reconciliation for 30/06/22.

d. Cllrs approved the revised budget.

e. Cllrs have now agreed they can fund the repainting of the old telephone boxes and work has started this week.  

f. Cllrs agreed that future planning should include for the position of a paid Parish Clerk.

7. Planning applications

a. Planning Application S22/0415 for conversion and change of use of listed barns to a single residential dwelling in Bulby still awaiting decision.

b. Planning Application S22/0230 for a proposed water Pipeline Scheme which passes through the Parish still awaiting decision.

c. Planning Application S22/0679 for revisions to approval S20/0344 at Newton House have been approved.

d. Planning Application S22/1162 and S22/1164 for tree work at Blacksmiths cottage both approved.

e. Planning Application S22/0863 for a new path at St Andrew’s Church has been approved.

f. Planning Application S22/1322 for work at Blacksmiths Cottage still awaiting decision.

g. Planning Application S22/1390 for change of use of garage to annexe at Linden House, Bulby discussed by Councillors.  Several concerns raised which will be commented on in the response to SKDC.

h. Cllr Robins clarified the procedure for the PC to request Tree Preservation Orders. On 10th May a request was sent to SKDC to consider TPOs in Bulby.  SKDC have now confirmed the trees meet the conditions for TPOs and this will be followed up.


8. Update on highways issues within the parish

a. Cllrs have thanked LCC for the resurfacing work carried out on roads through Irnham.


9. Update on parish projects 2022/23

a. Irnham Village Sign – Cllr Vanson is continuing to look for suitable manufacturers.

b. The old telephone boxes are being repainted and people are very pleased with the work.


10. Update on parish events

a. Platinum Jubilee – all agreed the events had been a great success.  The party could not have gone ahead without the support of many people who were thanked for their support.  Jamie’s support for the brazier and the installation of the flag pole were much appreciated as well as the provision of the venue for the party.

b. Christmas Event – It was agreed we should approach Jamie regarding an event on a Friday in December similar to that last held in 2019, pre Covid.  The idea of carols outside the pub will be explored.


11. Correspondence

a. Cllr Crow attended the presentation by Ridge Clean Energy at Kirkby Underwood and confirmed Irnham Parish would be able to access their support for community projects.  

b. Corby Glen PC contacted the Clerk regarding concerns over the number of deer in the area. Follow up discussions with deer groups confirm surveys reveal high numbers of deer but that current deer management is failing to control numbers adequately.


12.   Irnham parochial church council matters for the parish

a. Cllrs agreed to a donation of £300 towards the maintenance of the Churchyard.  Cllrs also wondered whether further help is required to help with maintenance eg cleaning and Cllr Ayre will raise this with the PCC.


13.   Any other business

a. The bridleway near Marwood Farm has been resurfaced and is presently unsuitable for horses.  The Clerk to follow up with SKDC.

b. Cllrs agreed to move the website to the LCC platform as the current provider is ceasing support from January.


14. Date of next meeting

a. Wednesday 2nd November 2022


 Meeting ended at 8.30pm.