Draft Minutes 12 February 2025

Draft Minutes of the Irnham Parish Council Meeting
Held in St Andrew’s Church, Irnham on Wednesday 12 February 2025 at 7pm.
Present: Cllrs Amanda Ayre, Jon Crook, Jenny Crow, Lynda Hall, Trevor Vanson.
Also in attendance: Cllr Martin Hill and Cllr Nick Robins
Parish Council Clerk: Jenny Crow
1) Apologies for absence
1/1 None received
2) Members declaration of interest or request for dispensation
2/1 None declared.
3) Minutes of meetings 
3/1Minutes of PC meeting 13/11/24 approved as a correct record and signed.
4) Matters arising 
4/1 LCC have now confirmed they do not offer visits to recycling centres.
4/2 Speed Indicator repairs are still being attempted.  Cllr Hill offered to take the matter up with LCC
Road Safety Partnership to see if other councils were experiencing similar battery problems with the
devices recommended by the partnership.
5) County Council/District Council matters
5/1 Cllrs have been consulted on proposed increases to both the LCC and SKDC charges for 2025/26.  Cllrs concluded that a 5% increase should be applied to enable vital services to be maintained.
5/2 Cllr Hill reported that he had visited the Parish on 6th January after heavy overnight rain, in response to a request from Cllr Ayre.  LCC Highways are aware of the blocked drain near Hall Farm, Bulby.
5/3 Cllr Hill explained how the proposed new Council structure may affect Lincolnshire.  The mayoral elections will take place in May 2025 for Greater Lincolnshire.  The Greater Lincolnshire area may possibly be divided into 2 unitary authorities of approximately 500,000 residents each.  The timescale for the changes is likely to be approximately three years.
5/4 Demands on the County budget are increasing, particularly in the areas of social care and education. The Police budget is also under considerable strain with the potential loss of 200 officers.  The County Council is looking to raise the Council tax by 3% for 2025/26.
5/5 Cllr Robins confirmed the likely increase for SKDC Council tax is 3% giving a Band D annual increase of £5.51.
5/6 The Clerk thanked SKDC for recent email communication during the inclement weather regarding delayed bin collections which could then be circulated via the NW-IBH WhatsApp group.  This was most helpful.
6) Accounts
6/1 Income into the 2024/25 accounts since the last meeting has been interest on the Defibrillator Account of £10.43.  Cllrs approved the following payments: Refunds to Clerk of £18.96 for Christmas lamp post signs and £12 for replacement fluorescent tubes for Bulby ‘phone box.  Cllrs approved the invoice from LALC for membership of £86.18.  Cllrs agreed a payment to St Andrew’s Church for £50 for hire of the Church for the meeting including heating.
6/2 The balance in the current account as at 12/02/25 is £5162.45,  the balance in the Defibrillator account is £4191.99.             
6/3 Cllrs agreed the bank reconciliation for 31/12/24.
6/4 VAT claim is £158.72.  Cllrs agreed to delay claiming this at present.
6/5 Replacement strip lights for the old ‘phone box in Bulby have not solved the lighting issue and so it was agreed that new LED fittings at £39 could be ordered.
6/6 Precept for 2025/2026 – Clerk confirmed an amount of £2140 has been requested, an increase for
a band D property of 4.9%, £0.94 per year.
7) Planning applications/matters for the parish
7/1 Noise issues in Bulby continue to be monitored.
7/2 Cllrs continue to note residents’ concerns in Hawthorpe about the large number of dogs at a property.  Cllr Robins suggested records be kept of the noise nuisance.
8) Update on highways issues within the parish
8/1 Cllrs noted that a lot of damage has been done to roads and verges following a winter of heavy rain and flooding as well as damage to verges by the vast numbers of deer.  Cllr Ayre raised concerns about the flooding of gardens in Bulby with water also entering sewage treatment plants.  Water ponds opposite Fairways due to the camber of the road.  A solution to the problem is urgent.
8/2 Cllr Ayre has continued to raise the issue of the lack of water flow under the bridge at the ford due to vegetation with the Environment Agency.
8/3 Cllr Vanson asked Cllr Ayre to report a dangerous drop of the road from Hawthorpe to Irnham on the approach to the bridge on the lefthand side.
8/4 Cllr Ayre will request the SKDC road sweeper to visit again.
9) Parish projects 2024/25
9/1 Cllrs have no major new projects to report.
9/2 A plan for maintenance and a ‘Clean Up’ will be agreed at the next meeting.
10) Parish events
10/1 Cllrs would like to thank Irnham PCC for the Carol Service on Sunday 22nd December which was very well attended.
10/2 Celebrations for VE Day on 8th May 2025 were discussed and agreed as follows:
i) The official flag will be purchased and raised on the day.
ii) Lamp post signs will be purchased and displayed in all three villages. It is hoped to also display  the soldier silhouettes.
iii) Cllrs discussed at length options for a Parish event and agreed, for the actual day of 8th May, it would be nice to follow the national support of the Fish Friers and arrange a fish and chip supper.  This will be discussed with Team Griffin.
iv) Cllrs will also hope to arrange the lighting of the beacon for 9.30pm inline with the national event.
11) Correspondence
11/1 Cllrs have written to thank Alicia Kearns MP for visiting the Parish recently and meeting residents.
11/2 Cllrs had been asked to discuss a possible weight restriction on the road from Corby Glen through Irnham and Hawthorpe to A15.  Cllrs support this request, agreeing in principle that the road is not suitable for heavy goods vehicles.
11/3 Cllrs have been asked by LCC Definitive Map Officer if they have any evidence of footpaths across to Temple Wood.  Cllrs will confirm they have none.
12)   Irnham Parochial Church Council matters for the Parish
12/1 Cllrs wish to thank the Churchwardens and all who volunteer to keep the Church open for residents and the wider public, particularly in these times of Interregnum.
12/2 Cllr Ayre reported that there is currently only 1 vicar covering 30 parishes.
12/3 Cllr Crow informed the meeting that the monthly collections for Bourne Foodbank are well supported.  All donations can be left at the back of the Church during the first weekend of each month.
13)  Any other business
13/1 Cllrs agreed the Annual parish meeting will follow the usual format. 
14)   Dates of next meetings
14/1 The Annual Parish Meeting is scheduled for 9th April followed by the Annual Parish Council Meeting on 7th May.  Both meetings will be held in St Andrew’s Church at 7pm.
Meeting ended at 8.45pm.