Agenda 12 February 2025
Irnham Parish Council
District of South Kesteven
Notice is hereby given that a meeting of the Parish Council will be held in St Andrew’s Church, Irnham on Wednesday 12 February 2025 at 7pm to which members of the Council are hereby summoned to attend for the purposes of the following business. Members of the public and press are also invited to attend.
Jenny Crow, Clerk to the Parish Council
Public address to council
Public Question Time is dealt with prior to the commencement of the meeting and doesn’t form part of the formal business of council and is limited to 15 minutes. If necessary, each resident wishing to speak will be allocated a maximum number of minutes in order to allow other people to speak. Please note: Councillors may not be able to respond to items not on the agenda but will take notice of views put forward.
1. Apologies for absence
2. Members declaration of interest or request for dispensation for items on the agenda.
3. Minutes of meetings To approve as a correct record the Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on 13 November 2024
4. Matters arising from Minutes not on the Agenda including Speed Indicator repairs
5. County Council/District Council matters including LCC/SKDC Council tax rises
6. Accounts including bank reconciliation for December, replacement strip lights for Bulby telephone box
7. Planning applications/matters for the Parish
8. Update on highways issues within the Parish including pothole repairs, grass cutting, flooding damage, general maintenance
9. Parish projects 2025/26
10. Parish events including Annual Parish Meeting, VE Day Anniversary Events, Big Clean Up
11. Correspondence
12. Irnham Parochial Church Council matters for the parish
13. Any other business
14. Date of next meeting