Minutes 21st August 2024
Minutes of the Irnham Parish Council Meeting
Held in St Andrew’s Church, Irnham on Wednesday 21 August 2024 at 7pm.
Present: Cllrs Amanda Ayre, Jenny Crow, Lynda Hall, Trevor Vanson.
Also in attendance: Cllr Hill.
Parish Council Clerk: Jenny Crow
1) Apologies for absence
1/1 Cllr Jon Crook
2) Members declaration of interest or request for dispensation
2/1 None declared.
3) Minutes of meetings
3/1Minutes of Annual PC meeting 08/05/24 approved as a correct record and signed.
4) Matters arising
4/1 Visit to recycling centre to be discussed under item 13.
5) County Council/District Council matters
5/1 Cllr Hill highlighted some of the wider issues in the County including solar farms and onshore wind turbines. Council policy is that these should not be on best quality land. Devolution is on hold at present awaiting decisions from the new government. There is concern that the withdrawal of the winter fuel payment will cause hardship in the county.
Cllr Hill also stated that financially, in the county, there are no problems at present and that a lot of work has been done recently fixing potholes. Reports from recent flooding are being gathered and will inform future work. Anglian Water have agreed to reinstate land where the SPA pipeline has been completed underground but not where the pipes have not been laid. It was noted that the infrastructure pipeline from the Sleaford reservoir project is likely to follow almost the same route as the SPA through the parish. The number of deer in the area continue to be a concern.
5/2 LCC Minerals and waste consultation had been circulated to Cllrs. No concerns for the parish.
5/3 SKDC have made Mapping Layers available to Cllrs to show locations of infrastructure in the parish.
5/4 It was noted that SKDC have made available new Disclosable Pecuniary Interests Forms for Cllrs for when these are next required.
5/5 Cllr Crow reported back from Police and Crime Commissioner engagement session for Parish Councils held online on 25/06/24. Slides and recording circulated to Cllrs.
6) Accounts
6/1 Income into the 2024/25 accounts since the last meeting has been interest on the Defibrillator Account of £19.47 and the Community Cleaner grant of £231.66. Cllrs approved the following payments: Safelincs £442.80 for Child Defib pads. It was also noted that the LALC web support invoice included VAT. Cllrs approved the transfer of funds from the Defib account to the Treasurer’s Account to cover the cost of the defib pads.
6/2 The balance in the current account as at 21/08/24 is £5331.05, the balance in the Defibrillator account is £4170.69.
6/3 Cllrs agreed the bank reconciliation for 30/06/24.
6/4 VAT Claim to date is £147.18
7) Planning applications/matters for the parish
7/1 Planning Application S24/0458 for works to remove an oak tree at Chalfield House, Irnham approved by SKDC.
7/2 Planning Application S24/0875 to fell an ash tree at Gladwin Cottage supported by Cllrs and approved by SKDC.
7/3 Planning Application S24/1100 to erect a post and rail fence and timber driveway gates at Lancer, Hawthorpe supported by Cllrs and approved by SKDC.
7/4 Planning Application S24/1128 to vary condition of planning to garage at Blacksmith’s Cottage, Irnham approved by SKDC.
7/5 Planning Application S24/1102 to vary condition of planning to garage extension at Old Cottage, Hawthorpe supported by Cllrs but with queries raised and awaiting decision from SKDC.
7/6 Planning Application S24/1211 to lower the existing cellar floor at Newton House, Irnham supported by Cllrs and awaiting decision from SKDC.
7/7 Planning Application S24/1223 for works to an oak tree at Hengrave House, Irnham supported by Cllrs and awaiting decision from SKDC.
7/8 Clerk has registered for new online Consultee Access for Planning Application responses but system is not working correctly. SKDC are trying to resolve the issue.
7/9 Cllrs discussed issues in the parish causing concern to other residents. It was agreed that records should be kept and passed to appropriate authorities. Cllrs noted the unacceptable length of time it takes to resolve such issues.
8) Update on highways issues within the parish
8/1 Grass Cutting – Cllrs noted that, with the wet weather this year, 3 cuts has not been sufficient, particularly within the villages. Cllrs agreed to look at options for improving the situation for next year. Cllrs will monitor the grass cutting due between 2 September to 4 October to ensure cutting within the villages takes place.
8/2 Grit Bins – Cllrs have been asked to use ‘fix my street’ on LCC website to report status of each grit bin individually if they are less than half full and/or damaged. Cllr Crow agreed to do this.
9) Parish projects 2024/25
9/1 Cllrs have no major projects currently.
10) Parish events
10/1 D-Day 80 Thursday 6th June 2024 – Commemorations including Beacon Lighting at 9.15pm were well received.
10/2 ‘The Big help Out’ Friday 7th June – Sunday 9th June – Cllrs were very grateful to everyone who helped out on 7th and 8th June with maintenance in the parish. The BBQ held on Sunday 9th June was an enjoyable way to relax after the hard work of the previous days. Thanks to Irnham Park Residents Association for the use of the park.
10/3 Options for a Christmas event will be considered at the next meeting.
11) Correspondence
11/1 Invitation to Cllrs to attend SKDC Forums 2024 – Monday 14th October 2024, Bourne Corn Exchange, 7pm.
12) Irnham Parochial Church Council matters for the Parish
12/1 Cllrs agreed a donation of £300 for churchyard maintenance.
12/2 It was noted that there are now only 2 vicars for 30 churches in the area.
13) Any other business
13/1 Hawthorpe Defibrillator cabinet requires a key to unlock it which is provided. It was agreed not to replace the cabinet at present.
13/2 Speed Indicator awaiting a visit from an engineer.
13/3 Cllrs following up a possible visit to a recycling centre.
14) Date of next meeting
14/1 The next Parish Council meeting will be held on Wednesday 13 November at 7pm, St Andrew’s Church.
Meeting ended at 8.05pm.