Minutes 13th November 2024

Draft Minutes of the Irnham Parish Council Meeting
Held in St Andrew’s Church, Irnham on Wednesday 13 November 2024 at 7pm.
Present: Cllrs Amanda Ayre, Jon Crook, Jenny Crow, Lynda Hall, Trevor Vanson.
Parish Council Clerk: Jenny Crow
1) Apologies for absence
1/1 None
2) Members declaration of interest or request for dispensation
2/1 None declared.
3) Minutes of meetings 
3/1Minutes of PC meeting 21/08/24 approved as a correct record and signed.
4) Matters arising 
4/1 Visit to recycling centre still being considered.
5) County Council/District Council matters
5/1 Cllrs Ayre and Crow attended the SKDC Engagement Forum in Bourne.  Officers ran through  the main areas of their work.  Presentation slides summarise the key points.  The Question Session at the end was dominated by concerns about planning issues in relation to the new government and to what extent Neighbourhood Plans would be taken into consideration.  Cllr Crow asked if communication with Parish Councils on particular issues eg missed bin collections could be more efficient to the benefit of both parties.  This question had been raised at other forums and will be considered.
5/2 Cllr Ayre attended the Flood Forum organised my Alicia Kearns MP.  This mostly covered the Greatford area.  Cllrs discussed flooding issues in the Parish and will contact Anglian Water re issues to do with debris collecting and preventing water flow around the Irnham treatment works.  Alicia Kearns is planning to meet with Parish Councils in 2025 to look at helping resolve longstanding issues.  The signage at the ford will be on the PC agenda.
6) Accounts
6/1 Income into the 2024/25 accounts since the last meeting has been interest on the Defibrillator Account of £10.87 and the Community Cleaner grant of £231.66.  Cllrs approved the following payments: Donation to St Andrew’s Church towards Churchyard Maintenance of £300, refund to Clerk of £50.26 for Strato domain name Irnham.org and email addresses.
6/2 The balance in the current account as at 13/11/24 is £5262.71,  the balance in the Defibrillator account is £4181.56.             
6/3 Cllrs agreed the bank reconciliation for 30/09/24.
6/4 Cllrs discussed the quote for the Speed Indicator Device repairs and agreed they would, initially,  look into the possibility of sourcing a new battery.
6/5 Replacement strip lights for the old ‘phone boxes were discussed including new LED fittings at  £39 or replacement tubes at £6.  It was agreed Cllrs Crook and Crow would investigate an appropriate solution.     
6/4 Precept for 2025/2026 – Cllrs discussed the requirements and agreed to keep this within 5%.
6/5 Cllrs agreed a payment to St Andrew’s Church for £50 for hire of the Church for the meeting
including heating.
7) Planning applications/matters for the parish
7/1 Planning Application S24/1102 to vary condition of planning to garage extension at Old Cottage, Hawthorpe supported by Cllrs approved by SKDC.
7/2 Planning Application S24/1211 to lower the existing cellar floor at Newton House, Irnham supported by Cllrs and approved by SKDC.
7/3 Planning Application S24/1223 for works to an oak tree at Hengrave House, Irnham supported by Cllrs and approved by SKDC.
7/4 Cllrs were made aware of planning application S24/1303 by Corby Glen PC for erection of a single dwelling and garage on land adjoining Cumberland House and note this was refused by SKDC.
7/5 Noise issues in Bulby continue to be monitored.
7/6 Cllrs noted residents’ concerns in Hawthorpe about the large number of dogs at a property.
8) Update on highways issues within the parish
8/1 Grass Cutting – Cllrs agreed to obtain quotations for undertaking the amenity cutting within Irnham and Bullby.
8/2 Cllr Ayre has continued to raise the issue of the lack of water flow under the bridge at the ford due to vegetation with the Environment Agency.
8/3 Grit Bins – 5 bins needed attention and were reported on LCC website.  The work has been completed.  Cllrs discussed options for providing shovels and will investigate further.
8/4 LCC Highways has been contacted again re the retention of the SPA entrances on the road from Bulby to Marwood as Passing Places.
9) Parish projects 2024/25
9/1 Cllrs have no major new projects to report.
10) Parish events
10/1 Cllrs agreed that as the calendar around Christmas is quite busy with the Carol Service at 6pm on Sunday 22nd December they would not organise a separate event this year.
10/2 It was noted that parishes are being asked to help with celebrations for VE Day on 8th May 2025 and Cllrs will consider this at the next meeting.
10/3 Cllrs Vanson and Crook were thanked for their work in erecting the poppies and Soldier silhouettes this year again.  It was agreed we should purchase more poppies next year.
10/4 The possibility of another Big Clean was discussed but it was felt it’s not a good time of year.  Cllr Ayre to request the road sweeper through the parish.
11) Correspondence
11/1 None not already distributed.
12)   Irnham Parochial Church Council matters for the Parish
12/1 It was noted that Rev Neil Bullen is leaving the Benefice but the Bishop of Grantham assured
parishioners that a replacement will be sought.
12/2 A service will be held on Christmas Eve at 6pm.
13)  Any other business
13/1 None raised
14)   Dates of next meetings
14/1 The next Parish Council meeting will be held on Wednesday 12th February, St Andrew’s Church, 7pm.
The Annual Parish Meeting is scheduled for 9th April followed by the Annual Parish Council Meeting on 7th May.
Meeting ended at 8.30pm.