Minutes 20th November 2019

Minutes of the 

Irnham Parish Council Meeting

Held in the Griffin Inn on Wednesday 20 November 2019 at 7pm

Present:- Cllrs Amanda Ayre, Jon Crook, Jenny Crow, Lynda Hall, Trevor Vanson.

Parish Council Clerk: Jenny Crow


1. Apologies for absence

a. None


The Chairman welcomed  PCSO Stuart Bowden, Cllr Nick Robins and Cllr Martin Hill  to the meeting.  


2. Members declaration of interest or request for dispensation

a. None declared.


3. Minutes of meeting 31/07/19

a. Read and accepted as correct record and signed.


4. Matters arising 

a. Item 9 Update on faster broadband for Hawthorpe – the Clerk reported that the Onlincolnshire team have confirmed that PE10 0RY will feature in contract 3 which will launch on 3rd March 2020.  Further details of what is proposed will be available at this time.


5. Accounts

a. Income into the accounts, since the previous meeting, have been notification of four amounts of interest on the Defibrillator Account, £0.25 for August, £0.25 for September, £0.24 for October and £0.26 for November.  The second half year Community Cleaner Grant of £213.46 has been received.  Donations from the CiCLE event amounted to £138.21.  

b. Councillors agreed the following payments

i. SKDC Election Expenses £73.43

ii. LALC magazine annual hard copy £6

iii. Helping Hand Litter Pickers £123.72

iv. Irnham Estate additional grass cutting £240

v. Donation to Lincs and Notts Air Ambulance £138.21

vi. LCC Inspection of lamp posts for interactive sign £40

c. The balance of the Current Account is £2860.91, Defibrillator Account £5774.13

d. Councillors agreed the bank reconciliation for 30/09/19.  There were no unpresented cheques.

e. Councillors discussed the precept for 2020/21 and agreed this should be set at £1600.


6. County council /district council matters

a. Cllr Nick Robins updated the PC about changes in personnel and roles at SKDC.  Priorities are being examined carefully to inform budget planning.  It is anticipated that the Community Cleaner fund will continue as well as the visits by the Little Clean Team. The future of the CiCLE event is not known and it is not clear whether entrance fees for the Best Kept Village Competition  will be met by SKDC.  Cllrs were most grateful to Cllr Robins for his offer to support the PC in their efforts to purchase an Interactive speed indicator device from the ward fund.  Cllr Robins also reminded the PC of the Community Fund available through SKDC.

b. Cllrs were reminded of the advice received from LALC regarding use of private e-mail addresses for PC business.  

c. Cllrs were reminded of the advice received from LALC regarding Health & Safety Policy.  

d. Cllrs deferred discussion of the report from the Best Kept Village Competition until the next meeting.


7. Planning applications

a. Planning Application S19/1541 for tree work at Arbury House, Irnham supported by Irnham PC and approved by SKDC.

b. Planning Application S19/1574 for Listed Building consent to install kitchen air extraction unit at the Griffin Inn, Irnham supported by Irnham PC and approved by SKDC

c. Planning Application S19/1610 for replacement hedge and associated tree work at Chalfield House, Irnham supported by Irnham PC and approved by SKDC.

d. Planning Application S19/1652 for two storey extension to rear of Keeper’s Cottage, Irnham supported by Irnham PC and awaiting decision from SKDC.

e. Planning Application S19/1665 for replacement septic tank at Old Rookery Farmhouse, Hawthorpe supported by Irnham PC and approved by SKDC.

f. Planning Application S19/1869 for consent to install kitchen air extraction unit at the Griffin Inn, Irnham supported by Irnham PC and awaiting decision from SKDC.


8. Update on highways issues within the parish

a. Cllr Ayre continues to follow up pot holes in the Parish.  Cllr Ayre has also reported the flooding through Bulby and on the Hawthorpe Road.  LCC have a duty to investigate flooding and due to the very high rainfall totals, in the last three months, Cllr Hill informed the meeting that there are still over 200 flooding incidents outstanding. Cllrs are very grateful to local residents who regularly clear grids at the side of the road of leaves and will monitor any further flooding and contact appropriate authorities if it is felt pipes or ditches are blocked.  Over hanging trees were also discussed and again appropriate action will be taken where necessary.

b. Cllrs discussed the problem of speeding motorists, particularly Lorries, through the village.  PCSO S Bowden advised that if we inform him of the details, ideally registration, company name and time seen passing through the village at speed he would follow it up with the company. Cllrs agreed to fund a Speed Indicator Device with data recording at a cost of approximately £2100 from the Precept.  Clerk to order this.


9. Events

a. Parish Christmas Sing Along to take place at the Griffin Inn on Friday 20th December, 6.00pm – 7.30pm.  Cllrs will provide raffle prizes.

b. CiCLE Event raised £138.21 for the Lincs and Notts Air Ambulance.


10. Correspondence

a. Cllrs have been asked to consider the positon of the Christmas Tree.  No decisions at present.  Cllr Vanson will erect the lights on the tree and enquire about other lights on the larger tree at the front of the Griffin.


11.   Irnham parochial church council matters for the parish

a. Cllr Ayre reported that the meeting scheduled for 19/11/19 had been cancelled.  Nothing further to report.


12.   Any other business

a. Cllr Crow asked for contributions towards the December PC Update.


13.  Dates of next meeting

      a. Next Parish Council Meeting, Wednesday 26th February, 7pm, The Griffin Inn.


Meeting ended at 9.00pm.