Minutes 17th April 2019

Minutes of the 

Irnham Parish Council Meeting

Held in the Wedding Venue, Irnham Hall, on Wednesday 17 April 2019 at 7pm

Present:- Cllrs Amanda Ayre, Jon Crook, Jenny Crow, Lynda Hall, Trevor Vanson.

Parish Council Clerk: Jenny Crow


1. Apologies for absence

a. None received.

The Chairman welcomed Cllr Martin Hill to the meeting.  


2. Members declaration of interest or request for dispensation

a. None declared


3. Minutes of meeting 06/03/19

a. Read and accepted as correct record and signed.


4. Matters arising 

a. Item 4.b. Jamie Benton Jones will be inviting local residents to view the refurbishment of the Griffin Inn and discuss ideas for future developments towards the end of April/early May. Cllr Crook is helping to cut the grass at the Griffin.


5. Accounts

a. Year End Balances are: Current Account £2084.05, Defibrillator Fund £5843.69.  Changes in the accounts, since the previous meeting, have been notification of two amounts of interest on the Defibrillator Account, £0.22 for March, £0.23 for April.  The balance of £66.03 from the Christmas Event has been paid into the account. The precept of £1500 has been received.

b. Councillors discussed and agreed to sign the Audit Certificate of Exemption.  Clerk to return this to the auditors together with contact details, as requested.

c. Councillors discussed and approved the Annual Governance statement for 2018/19.

d. Councillors discussed and approved the Annual Accounting Statements for 2018/19.  The Analysis of Variances and Bank Reconciliation were agreed.  The period for the exercise of Public Rights was agreed as Monday 17th June till Friday 26th July.

e. The Accounts for 2018/19 can now be passed to the internal auditor.

f. Draft budget for 2019/20 agreed.

g. Refund to the Clerk for purchase of laptop case and gift agreed, totalling £43.99.

h. Cllrs agreed the Clerk should order a further set of litter pickers and hoops, exact numbers to be determined by carriage costs.


6. County council /district council matters

a. Cllr Hill updated the meeting on highways matters as follows:

I. Surface dressing of the road from Callan’s Lane Wood to Irnham is scheduled for 2019/20

II. Irnham Village is scheduled to be re-tarmacked in 2020/21

III. Swinstead Road is scheduled for major works in 2020/21

b. Cllr Ayre asked Cllr Hill to look into the possibility of work to improve Osgodby Road as well.

c. Cllr Hill also updated the meeting about the quarry lorries.  There appears to be no restrictions placed on the contractors, Lindum Construction, who are building the road at Bicker Fen for the electric substation connected to the offshore wind farm.  Cllr Hill suggested it would be helpful to have photographic evidence of the lorries coming through the village so that contractors could be asked to consider alternative routes.

d. Bourne CiCLE Festival 31st August – 1st September.  Cllrs agreed to postpone discussion about possible involvement of the Parish to support this event to the AGM.


7. Planning applications

a. None to report. 


8. Update on highways issues within the parish

a. Cllr Ayre has reported two problems with bridges near Marwood Farm.

b. Cllr Crow has reported the broken stile on the footpath between Bulby and Callan’s lane Wood.  It is due for repair by September 2019.


9. Security in the parish

a. A report from PCSO Stuart Bowden was read out.  Thankfully nothing of significant note, in the Parish, has been reported to the Police since the last PC meeting.  Residents were reminded to make sure outbuildings and machinery are secured and to report any suspicious people or vehicles via 101.  PCSO Stuart Bowden will attend the AGM.

b. Neighbourhood Watch signs have been received for Bulby and Hawthorpe.

c. WhatsApp Group is working well.


10. Local elections may 2019

a. The Parish Council elections were uncontested.  5 Nominations for Parish Councillors were received and all have been elected unopposed.

b. Clerk requested Cllrs bring paperwork to accept office to the AGM.


11. Best kept neighbourhood award

a. Clerk has received details of the competition in 2019.  SKDC is again paying for all Parishes to be entered.  Cllrs agreed to discuss this at the AGM.

b. Cllr Vanson has made some bird boxes and suitable sites will be found.

c. The water pump in Irnham has been repainted.  Thanks, again, to David and Cllr Lynda Hall for maintaining this feature.

d. Clerk has contacted Lincolnshire Road Safety Partnership for speed restriction advice and is awaiting further information.


12. Update:  

a. Faster broadband for the parish

Cllr Hill had no further updates since the last meeting.  Cllr Crow was able to report that new telegraph poles have been installed along part of the route in Irnham.  Cllr Crow was also able to report that a new cabinet had been installed in Bulby, earlier in the day.  Cllr Crow is seeking an update from the Onlincolnshire team.


13.   Bulby: update on plans for telephone kiosk

a. Cllr Ayre reported that the kiosk has all been cleaned and had the glass repaired.

b. Mrs Howat was thanked for her display of information about the hamlet of Bulby.


14. Correspondence

a. Notices of Elections have been received and displayed in all three villages.


15.   Irnham parochial church council matters for the parish

a. Cllr Ayre reported that it has still not been possible to appoint a builder for the new toilets.


16.   Any other business

a. None discussed.


17.  Date of next meeting

a. AGM and Annual Parish Meeting is Wednesday 15th May 2019, 7pm, Wedding Venue, Irnham Hall.  

Meeting ended at 8.05pm.