Minutes Irnham Parish Council Meeting 28th February 2024

Minutes of the Irnham Parish Council Meeting
Held in The Griffin Inn, Irnham on Wednesday 28 February 2024 at 7pm.
Present: Cllrs Amanda Ayre, Jon Crook, Jenny Crow, Lynda Hall, Trevor Vanson.
Also in attendance: Cllr Martin Hill and 1 member of the public.
Parish Council Clerk: Jenny Crow

1. Apologies for absence
1.1 None

2. Members declaration of interest or request for dispensation
2.1 None declared

3. Minutes of meetings
3.1 Minutes of PC meeting 29/11/23 approved as a correct record and signed.

4. Matters arising
4.1 None

5. County Council/District Council matters

5.1 The Chairman asked that the state of the roads in the Parish, also raised by a member of the public, be discussed at this point.  In summary the issues raised by Cllr Ayre and discussed were:

a. The large amount of silt washed down to the ford from the main street in Bulby during the heavy rain this winter.  This has been reported to LCC but they have said no further action to be taken.  Cllr Hill advised that SKDC should be contacted to sweep the road.  (Clerk’s note: Thanks to Cllr Ayre for contacting SKDC on Thursday, the day after the meeting and for SKDC responding and sweeping the road early on Friday morning.)

b. The uneven state of the route through the ford for farm vehicles.  This has been reported to LCC and is being looked into.  Cllr Hill agreed this should be a matter of urgency as the route to avoid the ford is too far to travel.  It was also noted that if heavy vehicles, which would normally be driven through the ford, try to use the bridge this could weaken the bridge necessitating a very expensive repair.  Cllr Hill to follow up.

c. The large amount of flooding through Bulby caused by a blocked culvert near Hall Farm, Bulby.  This has been reported to LCC.  Cllr Hill agreed work on the river also needs to be undertaken by the Environment Agency to help with the flooding issues surrounding the ford.

d. The camber of the road opposite Fairways in Bulby. This is such that water ponds there.  It was agreed a drain needs digging where the water ponds, linked in to the culvert on the opposite side of the road.

e. A serious incident in which a car with young people in was swept down river having entered the ford late at night was also discussed.  Thankfully the three people were able to exit the vehicle.

f. The Chairman had previously reported concerns about the number of incidents of vehicles leaving the road on the Hawthorpe bend

5.2 Cllr Hill reported that 800 homes in Lincolnshire had been flooded during the recent heavy rains and as the lead authority for flooding they are encouraging the drawing up of Emergency Plans.

5.3 Cllrs also discussed concerns relating to potential changes in land use in the County for solar farms and rewilding.

5.4 Cllr Hill commented on the re-cycling bin issues.  The Parish were affected by the strict change to silver bin contents on 19th February.  The Purple lidded bins had 98% compliance but the rejection rate for silver bins was great than 50%.  SKDC have collected all the bins since the initial rejection and hopefully it is now clearer what exactly can be placed in the silver bin.

5.5 Cllr Crow reported back from two Police and Crime Commissioner engagement sessions for Parish Councils held online.  It was also suggested this could be a useful format for LCC and SKDC to engage with Parish Councils.

5.6 All residents are encouraged to apply for a Fraud Information pack from the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner.


6. Accounts

6.1 Income into the 2023/24 accounts since the last meeting has been interest on the Defibrillator Account of £14.99, the Community Cleaner grant of £231.66 and the proceeds from the raffle of £160.

6.2 The balance in the current account as at 28/02/24 is £3961.06,  the balance in the Defibrillator account is £4584.22.  Cllrs agreed all figures for the PC and Defibrillator a/c’s.

6.3 Cllrs agreed the bank reconciliation for 31/12/23.

6.4 Cllrs approved the payment to the Lincs and Notts Air Ambulance from the raffle proceeds of £160.

6.5 Cllrs approved the payment to LALC for membership for 2024/25 of £82.70.

6.6 Cllrs discussed the LALC Training Scheme and agreed to fund training as required.

6.7 Cllrs approved the updated Financial Regulations.  Cllrs confirmed all other documentation is in place.

6.8 SKDC are holding a Funding Fair on 27 March 2024 in Bourne.  Cllrs agreed to attend.


7. Planning Applications

7.1 Planning Application S23/1417 for conversion of existing outbuildings to create a detached residential annexe at Old School House, Irnham went to the SKDC Planning Committee on 8th February and was approved.

7.2 Planning Application S23/1859. Section 211 notice to pollard 3 x Ash trees to the lowest point on the trunk where the branches start to branch out opposite Blacksmiths Cottage, Irnham, supported by the PC and approved by SKDC

7.3 Planning Application S23/2076. Section 211 notice in relation to Maple overhanging Barsham House, Irnham. Crown reduction by about 30% is being applied for to check growth and remove overhang supported by the PC and approved by SKDC.

7.4 Planning Application S23/2087 for double garage, single storey extension to side and rear with new access at Lancer, Hawthorpe. Withdrawn. See 7.6

7.5 Planning Application S23/2138. Section 211 notice in relation to Oak tree at Chalfield House, Irnham. Crown reduction of approximately 3m from the top and 1.5-2m from the sides applied for. Supported by the PC and approved by SKDC.

7.6 Planning Application S24/0035 for double garage at rear of property, single storey extension to side and rear with new access at Lancer, Hawthorpe including change of use of 3m strip of land. Cllrs were pleased to see the revisions to this application and await the decision from SKDC.

7.7 Clerk has registered for new online Consultee Access for Planning Application responses.


8. Update on highways issues within the parish

8.1 See item 5.1


9. Parish projects 2024/25

9.1 Cllrs are looking into what grants may be available to help determine the scale of the project which could be undertaken.

9.2 Cllrs will look into the provision of other suitable flags for the flag pole.


10. Parish Events

10.1 The PC Christmas Event was held at the Griffin Inn on Wednesday 20 December. Those who attended gave generously to the raffle in aid of the Lincs and Notts Air Ambulance raising £160. Thanks were given to Cllrs and others who donated the prizes. The Griffin menu of a Christmas meal in a pie was enjoyed and the PC provided mince pies.  Ideas for next year will be considered.

10.2 D-Day 80 Thursday 6th June 2024 – Commemorations including Beacon Lighting at 9.15pm are being considered.

10.3 ‘The Big help Out’ Friday 7th June – Sunday 9th June – Cllrs are working on suggestions for work to be undertaken in the Parish on Friday and Saturday with a parish BBQ to be held on Sunday 9th June at lunch time


11. Correspondence 

11.1 The planned Bourne Festival of Wheels has been cancelled.

11.2 Clerk completed LALC Council data Validation Exercise.

11.3 Letter from Grantham College regarding skills training.

11.4 Communication regarding Funding Fair in Bourne.

11.5 Communication from Call Connect Service regarding a bus stop and information board in Bulby.


12. Irnham Parochial Church Council matters for the Parish

12.1 Revd Stephen Buckman took his final service as Rector of the Corby Glen Group on Sunday 25th February.

12.2 The Churchwardens have been informed of grants available through SK Rural Fund.  Clerk was also asked to send them details of the Funding Fair.

12.3 The Bishop of Lincoln will be attending the service on Sunday 10th March, 11am to bless the new path.


13. Any other business

13.1 Arrangements for the Annual Parish meeting were agreed.

13.2 Cllrs agreed the wording for the flag pole and village sign plaques.


14. Date of next meeting

14.1 The Annual Parish meeting will be held on Wednesday 17th April at 7pm, St Andrew’s Church. PLEASE NOTE THIS DATE HAS CHANGED TO 24TH APRIL.

14.2 The Annual Parish Council meeting will be held on Wednesday 8th May at 7pm, St Andrew’s Church.


Meeting ended at 8.30pm.