Chairman's Report 2023

Annual Parish Meeting. 
Good evening and thank you all for attending our annual parish meeting. 
The parish has many people who help things happen in the parish and I would like to thank them all for the work they do for the benefit of us all. 
I would like to thank specifically Ian and Mandy who diligently look after the book swap in the telephone kiosk. 
Charlie for looking after the flowers in the tub at the flagpole. 
Martin for the work he does as our internal auditor and for musically accompanying us at the Christmas sing along at the Griffin. 
Thanks to Jamie for his contribution and support with the flag pole and brazier, and the use of the Wedding Venue for the Jubilee celebration and other events. 
Thanks to many ladies in the parish for their team effort and contributions towards the Platinum Jubilee celebration, and others for assisting with the setup of the event. About 120 people enjoyed the lunch and the band’s entertainment and the villages looked colourful with the flags and bunting. 
Thanks to several people who litter pick, especially Tom but also SKDC’s Big Clean in Irnham. 
Thanks to our local councillor Nick Robins for the assistance he gives the parish council and his local work. 
Thanks to Amanda for pestering the council on our behalf about potholes. The Osgodby Road has been reported and hopefully will be attended to but generally our roads are in better condition than many in the area. 
Highlights for the year include: 
Resurfacing the roads within Irnham and our thanks to councillor Martin Hill for this. 
The flag pole was a parish project we pushed forward to commemorate the late Queen’s Jubilee and most parishioners have been appreciative of this.  We are adding the new Parish sign which we have again pushed forward to commemorate the coronation of King Charles. We intend having a small ceremony to mark its installation – details will be circulated shortly. We hope that this will be regarded as an artwork to give pride in our parish. We intend to add a QR code to advise who the subject of the sign is, linking up with the various works available about the Luttrell Psalter and the church where the original of the sign is based on and the facsimile of the Psalter is available to view. Several parishioners have contributed towards this and donations are still welcome. 
The Old Telephone boxes have been repainted and look very smart as a result. 
A new Parish website has been set up and thanks are due to Robin and Charlie for this enabling transfer from the original site to the new to go smoothly. Take a look at it – it is quite useful for local information.
Finally thanks to Jenny for doing the Clerk role on a voluntary basis and to Amanda, Lyn and Jon for all their support.
Cllr Trevor Vanson