Minutes 23rd August 2023
Draft Minutes of the Irnham Parish Council Meeting
Held in St Andrew’s Church, Irnham on Wednesday 23 August 2023 at 7pm.
Present: Cllrs Amanda Ayre, Jon Crook, Jenny Crow, Lynda Hall, Trevor Vanson.
Parish Council Clerk: Jenny Crow
1) Apologies for absence
1/1 None
2) Members declaration of interest or request for dispensation
2/1 None
3) Minutes of meetings
3/1Minutes of Annual PC meeting 10/05/23 read and accepted as correct record.
4) Matters arising
5) County Council/District Council matters
5/1 Lincolnshire Highways have circulated a survey about the Lincolnshire Road network to Parish Councils. Cllrs will complete this individually.
5/2 Lincolnshire Highways have asked Parish Councils to update maps showing locations of drains in the parish. Cllrs are completing this by 15 October as requested.
6) Accounts
6/1 Income into the 2023/24 accounts since the last meeting has been interest on the Defibrillator Account of £11.16, donation for the sign £100, Community Cleaner Grant £231.66, SK Prosperity Fund Grant £3000, surplus party funds £89, VAT refund £1164.03, donation £105. Councillors approved the following payments: £96 for the post for the sign, £71.77 uncontested election recharge costs, £126 Shining Stars LALC. Cllrs also approved the transfer of the VAT refund for the defibrillator pads of £96.60 to the defibrillator account. The balance in the current account as at 23/08/23 is £3944.37, the balance in the Defibrillator account is £4555.73.
6/2 Cllrs agreed the bank reconciliation for 30/06/23.
6/3 Cllrs agreed to the annual cost of retaining the domain name irnham.org with Strato of £50 which includes Parish Council email addresses for councillors.
6/4 Cllrs agreed to make a contribution of £300 to the cost of maintaining the Churchyard.
7) Planning applications
7/1 Planning application S22/2375 for erection of an annex at Linden House, Bulby now approved by SKDC.
7/2 Planning Application S23/0893 for an extension to the garage at The Old Cottage Hawthorpe considered by Councillors and no objections raised. The application has since been withdrawn.
7/3 Planning Application S23/0980 for permanent siting of temporary buildings at Bulby Equestrian centre considered by Councillors and no objections raised. The application is pending decision by SKDC.
7/4 Planning Application S23/1139 for tree work at The Post Office, Irnham supported by Councillors and allowed by SKDC.
7/5 Planning Application S23/1141 for tree work at Irnham Hall supported by Councillors and allowed by SKDC.
7/6 Planning Application S23/1417 for conversion of existing outbuildings to create a detached residential annexe at Old School House, Irnham. Considered by Councillors and agreed in principle with some clarifications noted.
7/7 Planning Application S23/1404 for change of use from part of paddock to garden and extension to the garage at The Old Cottage Hawthorpe. Considered by Councillors and no objections raised.
8) Update on highways issues within the parish
8/1 Cllrs were pleased to note a lot of potholes have been filled in recently including at Elsthorpe and the long rut at the side of the road from Bulby to Marwood.
8/2 Cllr Crow has contacted Rowan Smith, Lincolnshire Highways, to request one of the areas created on the Bulby Road by the Pipeline work be left as a passing place. This will be requested but would need to be improved from the current state.
8/3 It was noted that dogs need to be on leads on footpaths when livestock are in the fields.
9) Update on parish projects 2023/24
9/1 Irnham village sign – Cllrs are very pleased with the progress of this project and are looking to install two plaques to acknowledge the dedication of the flag pole to mark the Platinum Jubilee and the sign to commemorate the Coronation. A QR code is planned to link to the Luttrell Psalter page on the Irnham Parish website.
9/2 Cllrs had been considering whether they could support fund raising activities to help raise money for a toilet block at the Church to enable more community events to be held in the Church. Cllr Ayre raised the suggestion at a Parochial Church Council Meeting but it was not felt to be something the PCC could support.
10) Update on parish events
10/1 It was agreed the Parish Council would like to continue organising a Christmas Event. Cllr Hall will look into the possibility of Corby Singers joining us for a concert and refreshments afterwards.
11) Correspondence
11/1 SKDC consultation on Open Spaces, Sports, Recreation had been circulated to Cllrs.
11/2 SKDC Community Awards 2023 had been circulated to Cllrs. It appears the Best Kept Village Competition is now part of the Community Awards. Cllrs will consider how to enter next year.
12) Irnham Parochial Church council matters for the Parish
12/1 See notes under 9/2.
13) Any other business
13/1 LCC offered litter picking kits and the Clerk collected 8 sets. Thanks to LCC for supporting this initiative.
13/2 Several residents in Bulby are concerned about the Doberman dog in the village escaping from its garden. Clerk to seek advice.
13/3 Cllr Crow thanked Cllrs for the nomination to the Shining Stars Event.
13/4 Cllrs were provided with new email addresses to be used for Parish business.
14) Date of next meeting
14/1 Wednesday 29th November, 7pm. Venue to be confirmed.
Meeting ended at 8.35pm.