February 2025

Fly tipping Rubbish NY

On the 17th December we had the opposite to the  Christmas spirit  as someone thought it would be okay to dump their general waste in the country side.
The Fly tipping was left at the head of Camp Lane off Corby Road.  Irnham’s resident all round good egg has cleared the mess away within hours. 
If it happens again, I suggest we look through the bags and see if there is anything incriminating then we could pass on to the police.


Christmas Eve Carol Service Carol Service

Irnham carol concert was the perfect beginning to Christmas. The church was beautifully decorated and Alan Luscombe had generously donated a Christmas tree. The church was packed with parishioners. 
Traditional carols were sung with guests Kathryn Earll and Sarah Robinson singing the first verse of Once in Royal David’s City, this had been re written slightly by Martin, the organist, so it could be sung in harmony as a duet.
The carols were interspersed with readings from the Gospels reminding us all of the true meaning of Christmas. 
After the service the parishioners were treated to a glass of mulled wine provided by Charlie and a mince pie made by Amanda Ayre.


Christmas tree collections Xmas tree collections

Irnham residents were very grateful to have their Christmas trees collected and disposed of again this year by Chris Miles and Tom Bagge.


New Year's day Celebrations NY get together

Residents of Irnham gathered at Midday to celebrate the New Year, it had been planned to take place on the park area in the village but unfortunately the grass made it a wash out. 
Therefore the venue was relocated to Chris and Dina's home. Thank you again for a lovely way of meeting up to celebrate and welcome in 2025.
Wishing everyone a Happy New Year.


New Year's day Historic vehicles New Year old vehicles

Whilst at the New year’s day celebrations, word got out that there were some historic vehicles in the car park of the Griffin Inn.
So on our walk home we popped into the car park to take a look.
They were amazing and brought a smile to all our faces.
I do not know who the vehicles belonged to but they certainly had been polishing them before they drove to the Inn.


Irnham flooding Irnham floods

Well we in Irnham certainly didn’t expect to wake up on the 6th January 2025 to this amount of rain did we.
The ditch that runs into the culvert  and under the Bulby Road was overflowing, there was also what seemed like a stream coming down the road from the Griffin Inn.
With all this water the road was flooded and one property had to get its flood gates fitted to their doors.
Luckily there wasn’t too much damage caused in the village. Just a little scary how quickly the ditches fill up around here.
I have noticed that smooth gravel drives have been altered with the amount of water and now have dips in them where the water ran. Hopefully friends will rally round to sort things out.

We were starting to feel that we were trapped as the Bulby Road was impassable unless you had a 4 wheel drive plus the  ability to lift the car higher through the water, also a similar situation in Corby Glen.


Corby Glen flooding Corby Glen floods

Tanners Lane in Corby Glen was unfortunately taking in water from the Irnham Road  all the way back to the farm and this was causing the water levels to rise a lot higher than I have seen in my nine years of living in this area.
My husband ventured out as he had an appointment and luckily for us our four wheel drive can rise higher.
From the photos he took the water had gone right across the field to the opposite side to Tanners Lane and caused a large flood across the road.
If you drove slowly and on the higher setting all was well but when our car went through there were already two cars abandoned.
Just further down the A151 towards the A1 where the road goes under the railway line there were two more cars abandoned in deep water. 
I have to say that getting to the A1 was quite an adventure in itself. My husband always likes a challenge especially in a vehicle, well done Terry


Icy Accident 9th January 2025  and  a late-night callout for the Fire Service Ice accident

These words were from the person who found the vehicle and occupant and want himself and occupant kept anonymous. (these have been altered slightly for the readers benefit)

Sometimes we may not think that we live in a civilised society, but a reminder that we do was demonstrated on the 9th of January at 9.45 pm.
An inexperienced driver was caught out by ice on the way home after work and a passing motorist just noticed the tops of four tyres in a ditch on the Hawthorpe Road out of Irnham near to the new water pipeline. 
There was no sign that this was a recent incident, no lights or tyre marks. 
The motorist almost passed by without another thought. However, after thinking about it again, made him stop and check it out. 
Inspection found that the car was upside down wedged between the sides of the ditch, this meant that the doors could not be opened.
The body of the car was not visible due to the depth of the ditch. “Anybody there?”, resulted in a “Yes, I cannot get out!” 
Unknown to the person who found the vehicle the young driver had managed to call his parents and they were on their way and arrived soon after the discovery.
The young driver’s father jumped into the ditch and knowing the vehicle, managed to open the rear, removing some fixtures to get to the driver.
In under ten minutes after a 999 call the Corby Glen Fire Service, with medic, were on scene evaluating the situation, setting up flood lights and ready for action. 
The father by this time had managed to get a very shaken driver out of the rear of the car, at this point both father and driver were helped out of the ditch by the firemen. 
Although the Corby Glen fire services expertise was not actually required in this case there could have been so many scenarios which could have resulted in a different outcome. 
For those younger readers, this could have been that the vehicle caught alight, the  occupant extraction could have been very difficult and there could have been serious injury. 
If the occupant had not been able to phone or not have been discovered for some time, sub-zero temperatures could also have been detrimental to health. 

The following morning the car was lifted out of the ditch and perhaps the young driver realised how lucky he had been not to be seriously injured. 
We complain, we moan that ‘things’ are not what they used to be etc., etc.. However, our fire service (in this case the neighbouring Village Corby Glen) is there for us, as well as other services in our civilised society. 
Some are volunteers (one was noted on this night), giving up the comforts of home all year round to help others. 
May we take the opportunity to thank them on behalf of our community and of the family and friends of this driver.

Something that cheered me up though at incident  13th January 2025
Photo of something that cheered me up whilst investigating point of accident : 123508

Is it only me or can you see the Road Runner watching over him. Road Runner