February 2024
Link to the Corby Glen online events page
New Years Eve Party
New Year’s Eve party at the Griffin Inn was a great success.
Lots of locals enjoying themselves on the limited ticket only party.
Sir Jamie was in the pub at the beginning of the evening and again later on for some dancing.
I understand the evening went on longer than my feet could cope with and there was much hilarity. Well done to those involved in organising the event.
Flood Waters in Irnham
It was a scary few days in Irnham when the level of the brook leading to the culvert under the road by Watergate House rose to levels that in the past would have spelt a disaster.
Good to see the new culvert helped the flow of water flow to a lot further down the road past all properties.
The small brook between number 14 and 15 Irnham Park had the water flowing at some speed and depth, that it removed sleepers lining the Brook as well as large logs laid as edging.
Jeffery our Resident Peacock in Irnham

When Jeffrey arrived in the village there were mixed views about him. Some warned of peacocks sitting on shinny cars and then pecking at their reflection. Others worried about his peacock cry or should I say squawk.
But me personally I love to see him wandering around the village.
He has taken a shine to Ben and Emma at Watergate house and to Blacksmiths building site. The builders, when he first arrived, could be heard screaming like girls in the playground. This was mainly because he could fly quite high and loved either sitting on Blacksmith's roof or Watergate's chimney stack.
Quite a site to be seen. He has now moved into Watergate House as he has a few friends there or should I say happy chickens.
They have started going for an afternoon stroll between home, Blacksmiths and number 14 and 15 Irnham Park which just makes me smile.
Let's hope in the spring Jeffrey's long tail feathers come back in full after such an uncertain start to his change in village to Irnham.
Thank you Sir Jamie for giving him a chance.