October 2024
Harvest Festival 15th September
Irnham Harvest Festival was led by Vincent Hadley-Lewis, a lay preacher. 

Following the service, the congregation and villagers were invited to a lovely harvest lunch held in the wedding venue, generously made available by Jamie Benton-Jones.
The meal was organised by Tom Bagge and Amanda Ayre, supported by local people who treated us to some delicious puddings.

Following the meal, the flowers and produce donated by the parishioners was auctioned by Jamie Benton-Jones.
The proceeds of the sale were donated to the church restoration fund and Lincolnshire Air Ambulance. What a lovely way to celebrate the Harvest.
Beer Festival 25th and 26th August
The Beer Festival was very busy this year with the car park and overflow in the field full with happy revellers.
Unfortunately no info or photos have been received by time of sending to print.
Irnham by Air
It was a great surprise that on Saturday 14th September my friend Dave Postlethwaite
chose to fly over Irnham and take several overhead shots of our lovely village.

I have included one showing all of the village but I have more should anyone like them of their particular house and gardens.